Tough economic times in the past caused extreme financial hardship on some individuals which sometimes led to poor credit or criminality. With the upturn of the economy, more jobs were opening up which created a wave of people entering the job market, or going back to school for the first time. Because the market is so competitive, any past criminal infraction (even if it was only an arrest) meant the difference between getting a job (or going to school) and remaining unemployed. It is a fact that both adult and juvenile criminal records can cause many problems in obtaining employment, housing, professional licensing, credit or student loan applications. A criminal record can also prevent a parent from being able to participate in a child's school activities or from coaching little league. In 2018, the laws concerning expungements were drastically changed making it much easier to expunge or seal criminal charges - even felonies.
Getting a record properly sealed or expunged may help remove some or all prior criminal charges on a person's record. When a record is “expunged”, it is as if the crime never occurred. When a record is “sealed”, the file remains intact but it is labeled as “sealed” and can only be released to other law enforcement agencies. Employers will not have access to the records. The availability and time frame differs for both.
My office provides a FREE CONSULTATION to examine a person's history, eligibility and explain the process of expungement.
Getting a record properly sealed or expunged may help remove some or all prior criminal charges on a person's record. When a record is “expunged”, it is as if the crime never occurred. When a record is “sealed”, the file remains intact but it is labeled as “sealed” and can only be released to other law enforcement agencies. Employers will not have access to the records. The availability and time frame differs for both.
My office provides a FREE CONSULTATION to examine a person's history, eligibility and explain the process of expungement.